Xtra Innings Performance is here to provide the highest level of strength and conditioning and general health fitness exercise prescription in our region. The mission of Xtra Innings Performance and their trainers is to not only provide results, but to also educate clients and athletes in the field of health and fitness so that they can make healthy lifestyle choices on their own.
We will provide individualized training programs based on your goals, nutrition consultation, group training, athlete camps and much more!

Are you a certified trainer, strength coach or movement specialist who is interested in a career in Northern Vermont? XIP is always looking for NEW TALENT!
XIP Training Systems is looking for motivated professionals who are interested in working in an elite training facility offering personal training, athlete development, group training and yoga. Individuals should have a strong drive and be able to excel in a fast paced, results driven industry. XIP provides clients and athletes with the highest level of training available in our region through evidence based programming and coaching.
Trainers and coaches are required to have a degree in Exercise/Movement Science or other Health Science field. Yoga instructors are required to have up to date certification, CPR, and insurance.
Athletic backgrounds are preferred but not required.
Must have good people skills and the ability to start conversation with anybody.
Must be a Certified Nice Person. If you can't smile and laugh please don't apply.
Must be eager to excel as a professional through continuing education, research and their own personal fitness.
XIP offers an incentivised Master Trainer Program for those individuals who show consistent performance for a two year period.
Let's Talk!
Those interested please send a resume to owner and founder
Adrian Guyer CSCS, RSCC, USAW2, CSAC
Or send us your Resume and Contact info here:
XIP Training Systems
602 Main Street
Lyndonville, VT 05851
An internship at XIP Training Systems will offer you an opportunity to experience individualized coaching and group training with sometimes as many as 50 athletes per day. Each intern will have the chance to coach elementary school, middle school, high school and possibly collegiate athletes, while becoming more familiar with program design. The XIP Intern will work closely with our qualified staff of strength & conditioning coaches to support a variety of athletes.
As an XIP intern, you will have the opportunity to participate in our monthly Staff Meetings, which focus on the operation of a small business, staff continuing education, transitions from clinical to performance settings and our involvement with the community. We work with our interns to help them develop the skills necessary to achieve their career goals of working in the fitness industry by focusing on developing coaching skills, assessment and program design skill sets.
Expectations of all Applicants
Candidates must have current CPR/AED certification and hold, or currently be pursuing, the NSCA-CPT and/or CSCS® certification.
Basic knowledge of dynamic warm-up & soft tissue/foam rolling technique.
Demonstrate a knowledge of training techniques for varying populations of athletes and age groups.
Basic knowledge of cuing for lifts, speed and agility and corrective exercise.
Basic knowledge of programming for different populations.
Basic knowledge of what the FMS screen is.
Must be eager to learn and accepting of constructive criticism from others.
Must be comfortable interacting with clients, parents, and athletes of all populations.
Must be a Certified Nice Person. Must be able to brighten anybody’s day!
Present yourself in a manner that will reinforce your status as a role model for impressionable young athletes and as a professional in our community.
Create and provide content for XIP marketing – such as articles, videos, images, etc on our social media platforms, website, etc.
Have past experience with sports, training and athletics.
Must have a passion for your own training, fitness and performance. Must pass XIP physical exam on site or provide video showing your successful completion of the tests. We will provide to those applying.
10 Hours observed time with group training
10 Hours observed time with one-on- one or semi-private
10 Hours observed time with athlete training
5 Hours of leading each – they write the program which is reviewed and adjusted with the trainer
Mock Client Trials – intern is presented with a “client” profile (written by a trainer) including injuries, dietary needs, special needs, etc. Intern writes program for 2 training sessions, the intern presents to trainer who then gives them a “sudden” change where they have a new injury and the intern must adjust on the fly.
Weekly meeting with supervisor: supervisor will provide discussions and ongoing feedback to the student to ensure a quality experience. Will review interns daily log sheets at this time.
Must attend staff meetings – will present at least once at a staff meeting therefore demonstrating knowledge of training techniques.
Content once a month for duration of internship in the form of videos and articles – must have photos to support articles.
Running and Cleaning gym during Open Gym Time.
This timeline will be a 50-hour internship (1 credit). If intern is looking for more credits, then we will expand program to involve coaching clients and groups and with certification they will take the reins of the training.
Internship Schedule
XIP internships are scheduled according to academic semesters and summer vacation. Interns are asked to work a minimum of 10 hours per week throughout the duration of their program.
Please note 45 hrs = 1 credit
Semester 1: Sept. 1 – Dec. 23 (2 Positions) App. Deadline: 5/1
Semester 2: Jan. 3 – May 31 (2 Positions) App. Deadline: 8/1
Summer: June 1 – Aug. 30 (2 Positions) App. Deadline: 2/1