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High School Spring PC starts 3/17
Click here to learn more about our training programs for every age and ability.
IS AN AThlete
in the sport of life.
“We will never claim to work miracles here at XIP, however we will guarantee results to those individuals who are ready to consistently put in the time and make the necessary lifestyle changes to be better at whatever they do. Nothing great ever happens without putting in an equal amount of effort to achieve it, and that is exactly what we at XIP will help you do.”

Ella Skalwald
Knowing that my career is in the outdoor industry and how important getting back to sport fully was to me, my physical therapist suggested that I reach out and start working with Adrian to address the remaining muscular issues and prepare me for my upcoming Mountain Bike racing season.

Lincoln Lemieux
XIP helped me gain my confidence back by pushing me in every workout, as well as supporting me when I needed it the most. Knowing where I wanted to be, XIP made it easier to push through and work harder."

All of the trainers at XIP truly care about your personal well-being and are very supportive and motivating while also providing athletes (we are all athletes) with a complete education on your health, fitness and performance. XIP is nothing like the big chains, this gym offers a sense of family and community that I love.

Brianna Doty
I have worked out at XIP for many years and I can say that I would not be at the level of performance I am at without the help and guidance from the XIP team. My favorite part about these programs is the attention to detail and how I can always feel the progress after each week.